Azure DevOps connection problems

Some users experience authorization/authentication problems when they try to connect to Azure DevOps from CatLight. They can get an error message "Unauthorized" or 302 HTTP code.

This usually happens when the user has multiple Microsoft accounts(e.g. personal and work accounts), and the wrong account gets used during connection.

CatLight uses the default web browser to authenticate to Azure DevOps. This browser can have a different Microsoft account authenticated in it. For example, you use Chrome in day-to-day work and sign in using a work account there. But, the default browser is Internet Explorer or Safari, and it might have your personal Microsoft account authenticated in it.


  1. In a default web browser, go to the Azure DevOps website ( -> click on User settings -> Profile -> Authorizations. Then remove "CatLight" from there, if it is present.
  2. In a default web browser, sign out of your Microsoft account.
  3. Try to connect again from CatLight. You should be prompted to authenticate using a Microsoft account.


As a workaround, you can try connecting using a personal access token (PAT): 

  1. In Azure DevOps, click on your user picture in the top right -> Security -> Personal access tokens -> New Token.
    • In the organization dropdown, select "All accessible organizations"
    • Either provide a "full access" scope, or more granular access that should include:
      • Build - Read and execute
      • Code - Read, Status (for getting pull requests)
      • Graph - Read
      • Identity - Read
      • Project and Team - Read
      • Release - Read
      • Test management - Read
      • User Profile - Read
      • Work Items - Read and Write
    • You can set a long expiration time to avoid repeating this process frequently (e.g. 1 year)
  2. In the Catlight app, create a TFS connection (not Azure DevOps) and use the following address: (or , depending on how it is displayed in your browser).
  3. Uncheck "automatic configuration".
  4. Past the PAT token into the password field.

If the workaround did not work for you, you can check out the logs for more details, or open a support ticket, so we can troubleshoot the issue.
